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Topics Covered During This Meeting
- Jeff gave the treasurer’s report. In the skateboard account there is $5,531.34 and in the WCP fund there is $2,539,43 for a total of $8,070.77.
- Dennis mentioned that the fund raising for Grillin’ on the Green needs volunteers – desperately. Volunteers are needed to sell tickets, staff kid parks, the bar, ect. Beth will e-mail to Dennis a list of areas where help is needed with a list of tasks to be done and shifts so people can sign up. Dennis will also make calls for volunteers.
- Per Dennis there are 9 confirmed grillers and 2 – 3 more possible grillers. Beth and Wilda discussed the advertising – the week of the 19th will push the advertising.
- Grillers moved to grass, not on the parking lot. Charlie says there are 52 parking spaces. There was a discussion about where the grillers will be located. Grillers to provided their own awnings. Wristbands will be required to eat and/or drink. There was talk about the tours of the park during the fundraiser.
- Dennis advised that the Stewardship Grant is on its way to us. Dennis provided a handout on the grant – first installment is $50,000.00.
- Construction project update – Ruzicka finish staking on 7/9/10. Bob finishing Westgate project then will work on grading at park. Contract has been signed regarding payment. We need to purchase fuel because we have grindings from the Granite construction donated from the Highway 29 project. (11,00 tons availible.) To prepare area, we selected a spot. Workking on fuel situation. Charlie says 100 gallons a day for the tractor and rent would be $150.00. Charlie suggested we compensate Bob for use of equipment. $20/ton is estimated cost for grindings to their best customers.
- Dennis discussed the irrigation plan. Wyatt Irrigation and Rainbow Ag have submitted bids. Wyatt was substantially lower. Wyatt will donate $1,600 of sprinkler heads and free delivery. $11,000 is estimated cost of materials.
- Hugh asked if the city had any say over the grant. Per Dennis, Charlie, Jeff and Ron, no – It’s up to WCP, not the city.
- Charlie says this will take water up to BMX track and laying an extra pipe when city goes to purple water. Ron stated that he will discuss this with the city.
- Motion for $1,700 from Lake County Electric for electrical supplies for irrigation was made. Beth made motion, Hugh seconded it, motion carried.
- Dennis and Charlie met with Tom Schellinger. He stated that PG & E may not accept anything under a 3 inch pipe (2 inch pipe was installed by Schellinger Brothers.)
- Dennis is shopping for soil amendments – we will need these soon. So far $20/yard for compost including trucking here is the best deal. Other bid is $440/yard and you pick it up at their location. We payed for soils analysis. Scott De Leon made recommendation and it was with Doug Grinder. It was left there.
- Jeff brought up hydro-seeding. Dennis will discuss with Glenn – Ag Dept. regarding consulting on final decision.
- $75,000 was budgeted for this. Dennis want to be authorized up the $64,000 to purchase and have it trucked here. August is estimated time fram for purchase. Hugh made motion, Jeff seconded, motion carried.
- Consensus is construction project is exciting. Wilda suggested photos of project. Dennis brought up “work day” to clean up the are. He will try to organize a day for this. He’ll contact Tom Engstrom to see if he can help with this.
- Discussion about WCP credit cars/pin numbers.
- No new business.
- Beth stated the fundraising committee is open to whoever would like to attend. Tickets are out – 200 are made.