Agenda and Schedule

Agenda for Next Meeting

Meeting Schedule and Location

August 2, 2023

Committee meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month except December. Meetings begin at 6:00PM at the Lakeport City Hall (225 Park St. Lakeport, CA 95453)

Board of Directors

Dennis Rollins, Chairperson
Harold Taylor, Vice Chairperson
Carol Thorn, Financial Officer
Jaxan Christensen, Secretary
Carol Maxwell, Member-at-large

Paul Malley, Member-at-larg

Bob Rumfelt, Member-at-large

Trease Jolin, Member-at-large

7 Responses to Agenda and Schedule

  1. Kim Costa says:

    Hello. I am a resident of the Parkside development, the subdivision near the Westside Park. As you may know, plans have been submitted to the City Council to approve high-density housing in the undeveloped land behind the subdivision, with a total of 178 housing units to be built. I am writing to inquire of the Board of Directors and citizens regarding your views on the traffic impact of this number of units in the area of the fields, considering the dense street parking during tournaments. The residents of Parkside are concerned about child safety with significantly increased vehicle traffic, as children can be seen frequently darting across the roadway to get to their vehicles, or chasing balls in the street. The Parkside residents shared this concern with the Planning Commission on August 10th, but the Commission did not see this as an issue. The residents plan to share this concern with the City Council on September 6th, and we would value hearing the views of the Board of Directors or other citizens on the situation so that these might be presented as well.

    • speciald says:

      Hello Kim,
      We plan to discuss the Waterstone Residential project at our next regularly scheduled meeting. Unfortunately that is not until the day after the Council meets. I’m sorry that I just now saw your comment. I did not received my usual notification that a comment has been submitted.
      Dennis Rollins

  2. Mark says:

    To whom it may concern

    On September 17 the upper soccer fields haven’t been properly prepped for soccer games. The grass has not been mowed. That severely affects the roll of a soccer ball and the game itself. Also the fields are soaking wet. This is a hazard for the players. It also tears the grass up and makes dangerous holes that can trip and injure players.

    Thank you
    Very concerned for player safety

    • speciald says:

      Mark, The Westside Community Park Committee is only responsible for the lower, Jane Barnes Field. The upper field is operated and maintained by the City of Lakeport. The Public Works/Parks Department can be reached at 263-3578.
      I apologize for the delayed response. I just returned from a vacation in the wilderness and have been off the grid.

  3. Debbie says:

    As I understand from the last Board Meeting I attended in October there was not a signed lease agreement with the city for the new Horse Park out on hwy 175. Is this still the case? And has there been any further movement on the Project? Lake County Horse Council has donated funds to this endeavor as I am sure many others have also, I feel we are not getting enough information on what is transpiring at this time. Can you Please give me and update so we can take it to our members.

    Thank You
    Debbie James
    Lake County Horse Council VP

    • speciald says:

      After the grant proposal was not funded, Carol Maxwell contacted the funding agency. The response was that while we had an excellent application our project did propose to serve a wide enough segment of the community. Also there were only enough funds available to fund 10% of the applicates. We have provided a written proposal to the City staff to develop an arena, portable toilet and a manure storage area. Our proposal would involve a minimal amount a grading. It would provide parking on undisturbed soil. Carol Maxwell, Carol Thorn, Jaxan Christensen and I met at the site with Rick Thorn to determine the best location with the least amount of grading. The City then asked for a site plan. The three women have added the location to a site map and are turning it over to the City for review.

  4. DEBBIE JAMES says:

    Checking to see if there is a Board Meeting June 7th? Some Lake County Horse Council Board Members are planning to attend. Please me know ASAP

    Thank You
    Debbie James

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