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Topics Covered During This Meeting
- The committee authorized payment of an invoice to Bectel for a plan change related to Phase II in the amount of $4289.00. It was moved by Hugh Mackey, seconded by Dennis Rollins and passed unanimously.
- Charlie presented a plan of action and costs to continue the development of Phase II and the Dog Park.
- Pipe and drop inlets from Cook Concrete Products. These items will be delivered to the site. The cost is approximately $30,612.13. Moved by Hugh, seconded by Dennis and passed unanimously to authorize this purchase.
- Trenching and installation of the drain pipe and drop inlets by R.B. Peters. Following discussion it was moved by Hugh, seconded by Dennis and passed unanimously to authorize this purchase.
- Fencing, including all materials and labor, for the Dog Park from Don Meir. Charlie stated this price may change based upon the addition of two gates and the exchange of some removable panels for standard fencing. Following discussion, it was moved by Hugh, seconded by Dennis and passed unanimously to authorize this purchase subject to all of the changes being established prior to payment.
- Well drilling is now completed by Hutton Drilling. The flow has not yet been determined. It was moved by Dennis, seconded by Hugh and passed unanimously to pay the $15,000 invoice. Total expenses in the amount of $76,654.15 were authorized. The new account balance will be $29,125.03.
- Ron Bertch will have the dog park re-disced. Hugh will get pictures and handle publicity of the new work approved tonight. Carol Thorn will help with publicity on the dog park. Dennis reported on three grant programs he received from Charlie. The Recreational Trails Program appears to be the only one appropriate for the Committee’s purposes.